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Vol 04 No. 08 August 1990

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The next time you read this column it will look considerably different Starting with the September issue. we will be presenting The Celator in a signature format. For those of you who are not familiar with the term, that essentially means magazine style format We have always felt that quality production was an important ingredient in our special "mix" and have done everything possible to set and maintain a high standard. After nearly four years of working with the tabloid newspaper format, we feel we have reached a point where future improvement dictates a change in approach.

Our readers who have ordered the "Best of The Celator - 1988" and "89" will immediately understand the difference. The signature format is printed on a sheet-fed press, which allows for greater control and finer screened photographs. It is easier to store, easier to read, lends itself better to indexing, and lays out more coherently than a newspaper. Another "factor, which affects distribution, is improved newsstand marketability. We feel that the change is a significant step forward, opening many new avenues for future improvement, and will result in a much-improved product. It will take us a few issues to "get the feel~ of our new format, but we expect very few problems.

Other than an improved format, you can count on The Celator being pretty much the same as always. Our philosophy and editorial policies will not change. We will continue to focus on numismatic art and artifacts from antiquity, especially as works of art. We will be changing the look of some features, due to the new layout opportunities and limitations, we do not, however, anticipate any immediate changes in the content of features or types of articles offered.

The subscription rates, frequency, and distribution will remain the same, and our advertising program should be stronger and more attractive than ever.

We hope that you will enjoy the new look of The Celator and thank all of the faithful subscribers and advertisers that have helped make this big step possible.

As if we didn't have enough excitement here, we are also proud to announce the impending publication of our first book. Going to the printer at about the time you read this, Valentine Duval: an autobiography is a story that romantics will love. It is a story about coins and gems, collecting and connoisseurship, and the personal feelings of one of the greatest antiquarians of the 18th century. The original English edition by Anne Manning, published in 1860, is written in a captivating style that few modem writers could hope to duplicate. See our ad within for details.

In our mailbag this month were more letters about the "Back Page". We can only reiterate what we have said in the past Dr. Saslow has the right, and one which we clearly recognize. to conduct his business in any fashion he chooses and to promote his activities and his philosophies actively therein. We recognize, and Dr. Saslow realizes, that his opinions will not necessarily be shared by all readers, or the editor, of The Celator. However. as long as the comments and practices of Dr. Saslow do not violate the editorial policies of The Celator, he will be accorded every courtesy and privilege given any other advertiser.

We deeply regret the fact that some of our readers have from time to time felt insulted by comments published in the "Back Page" and can only recommend that those parties deal with individuals or firms more closely aligned with, and supportive of their own personal preferences. The Celator, as a matter of policy, does not in any way endorse the claims or opinions of any of its advertisers, contributing authors, or responding readers beyond assuring the conditions of advertising as published

As editor of The Celator, I have often stated my own opinions about buying and collecting ancient coins. The fact that I collect Turkoman bronze coins should bear witness to the fact that I do not personally have a penchant for traditional market-leader types. Still, I do not feel any compelling need to criticize the buying habits of collectors or investors of another persuasion.

We are, unfortunately, travelling in troubled waters within ·our small fraternity. With patience and caution. however, the controversies of today will become only a passing episode in the long history of a fascinating discipline. Above all, we should concentrate on enjoying our hobby, each in our own way, and discount the petty disagreements that waste our precious time.

Our travels in August will include the ANA Convention in Seattle and the Rare Coins Expo in Minneapolis. In mid-September we embark upon a month-long trip to Turkey, along with travelling companion and co-author Bill Spengler, to gather final information, photographs, and details for our forthcoming book on Turkoman coins (yes, it is still alive!). We will be visiting the sites of virtually all of the Turkoman dominions in eastern Tukey.

Steve will get his feet wet in a big way as we leave him in charge of the editorial desk as well as a new format Fortunately. he is very much up to the task.

We could use a fresh start in the "Letters" section. If you've got a tale 10 share, a new discovery, or just an idle observation. we could use it now! Sit down for a couple minutes, take pen to paper, and let us hear your point of view.


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