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Ptolemy AE39MM


Egypt, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IV Philopator. 221-205 BC. Æ 39mm . Diademed head of Zeus Ammon right / BASILEWS PTOLEMAIOU, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, looking right; cornucpiae at shoulder, E below. SNG Cop 224.

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Roman Provincial Coins

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What's up with the larger hole on the obverse of this coin? I can see the centering dimple on the obverse, but the other one looks deeper...almost like a punch of some sort. It probably isn't a banker's mark because these were most often done on AR and AU issues. Very interesting...
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Hi Jeff,

It looks like it was drilled. I think the hole itself is modern. WHY would someone do that? lol



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I don't know. It's bizarre that it's not all the way through the coin. Maybe some sort of mounting, in which the drilled hole was filled with a dowel then placed on top of something with the eagle reverse showing. There does appear to be greater surface wear on the reverse, which would fit with it being exposed moreso than the obverse.
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Interesting Theory! You can see where the drill hole was started and where the drill "skipped" to its final bite point. It is definitely unusual!
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