About This File
By all means, take a moment to read, on page 16 (XVI) the poignant commentary aired by Radio Segovia (Spain) this past June. It is a remarkably humorous, and yet equally sad account of the most worthy project to be undertaken in a good while.
Sad, because the support for Project Segovia '92 has not been sufficient to sustain even a meager existence for the two intrepid Americans, Glenn Murray and Ron Landis, who have been the project's "burr under the saddle" so to speak and continue to work on-site as project advisors and coordinators. The two have, through sheer tenacity and incredible willpower. managed to "legitimize" the Spanish mint restoration project and achieve tax deductible status for U.S. contributors. Still, the ardor for American involvement seems lacking.
Perhaps this malaise is fueled by a conditioned response to sending money to foreign lands for "worthy" projects while many continue to exist here at home. In spite of our many foreign aid programs. Americans have always tended to be isolationist. It is understandable that hobbyists interested in U.S. coins and medals would have little interest in the Segovia mint restoration. but we antiquarians should be, as a group, much broader minded.
Segovia has been the site of a mint for much longer than the existing structure would reflect, although the building in question is incredibly significant historically. The Greeks and Romans both struck coins in Spain and several issues were minted at Segovia. The current restoration project recognizes the importance of that fact, and the projected museum dedicates a part of its facility to the history of hammered coinage.
If there is any one spot in the world that would seem ideal for a museum of minting history, it is in Segovia. Although Rome, Athens and other antiquarian tourist sites host myriad Renaissance palaces, loaded with great treasures, there could be no better place for numismatics to shine in its own glory.
We urge those of our readers with the means to help to contact Glenn Murray at Project Segovia '92, EXCMO Ayuntamiento de Segovia 40001, Spain.
We seem to have a problem with The Celator. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Now, most publishers would see that as reason to call their travel agent and book a nice vacation to Tahiti with (or without) Mama and the kids. As most of you know, however, we produce The Celator with a very small staff and our circulation is limited (we don't even have a travel agent). Therefore, growth creates rather than solves problems. We believe that all of our readers benefit through a variety of advertising, consequently, it has been our policy to hold advertising as well as subscription costs to a minimum. At the same time, we have invested in the technical improvements necessary to make The Celator a high-quality publication.
To make a long story short, we must make some adjustments to offset the increasing costs of production. It has been over a year since we made a price adjustment (from $12 to $15 per year) and in that year the newspaper has nearly doubled in size and tripled in weight (due to improved paper quality). We also expect another substantial increase in postal service fees soon.
After careful consideration, and value comparison, we have concluded that an increase to $24 per year (U.S. and Canada) is sufficient and appropriate at this time. All overseas subs will be billed uniformly at $48 per year. As a special consideration to our faithful readers, we will accept, through September 30, renewals or extensions for up to two years at the current rate ($15 per year U.S., $40 to Europe, $48 to Asia, Africa & Pacific). We regret price increases but remain committed to quality and service. The latter necessitates and justifies the former.
Thanks to all who have been patient with us during our recent office move. There have been times when I'm sure mail was misplaced, or telephone calls were not returned. If you were missed, it was not through indifference - please try again. See the masthead below for our new express mail address and FAX number.
As we enter the Fall season, activity will undoubtedly pick up and many exciting things are bound to be in store for the fraternity. This month we'll be at the Greater NY Show and the CNB in Chicago, hope to see some of you there. Until then, enjoy the pages that follow and by all means let us hear your point of view.