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Vol 03 No. 07 July 1989

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About This File

If there was ever a doubt in our mind about whether our readers pay any attention to The Celator's Point of View, it was removed this month. Since our recent proclamation, however obscure, that we will not accept advertising from persons not following reasonable business practices, we have received four written complaints from disgruntled collectors.

While we cannot assume the role of "policeman" for the hobby. we are naturally concerned that persons who advertise on our pages offer fair service to those who trust in their veracity and ethical practice. In a community as small as ours it is particularly distressing that customer satisfaction is lightly regarded. The other side of the coin (no pun intended) is of course that dealers should not be expected to cater to whims and curiosities.

As a result of the recent "rash" of negative comments we feel the need to more explicitly define the phrase "reasonable business practice." The following are conditions upon which we base the acceptance of advertising in The Celator:

1. All coins or antiquities offered for sale in The Celator must be genuine and guaranteed (with return privilege) as such. All copies or facsimiles must be clearly identified and marked in accordance with current federal law.

2. Any specific item sold by mail through a direct advertisement placed in The Celator must carry at least a 7-day unconditional return privilege beginning with the date of receipt by the customer. It is the responsibility of the shipper (either customer or dealer) to insure safe transit of material to its destination.

3. Any item advertised for sale in The Celator must legitimately be available for sale at the time the advertisement is submitted.

4. Photographs and illustrations used in ads must be representative of the type and quality of merchandise actually offered for sale.

5. It is understandable that dealers committed to a busy show and auction schedule might occasionally be delayed in responding to a mail order or reques.t. however, once a customer's payment IS accepted (check is deposited) prompt shipment or reply is expected.

6. All advertising copy is subject to editorial approval and the editor reserves the right to reject or edit any advertising deemed inappropriate.

7. Upon receipt of three independent written complaints, advertising will be withheld, withdrawn or suspended until adequate resolution of the complaints is determined.

8. The Celator will not take action against or on behalf of any person in regard to any merchandise sold or offered for sale outside of a direct solicitation for a specific item within the publication itself.

Having said all that, we must point out that the number of complaints received by us in the past two and a half yean has been very minimal. We serve over 90 advertisers ranging from very large corporations to occasional part time sellers. Geographically. they are spread over the entire globe. In view of this, it is comforting that we hear as few complaints as we do. Nevertheless, we will strive for the nth degree when it comes to service and integrity.

We are pleased to announce the addition of our 25-year-old son Steven Sayles to the staff of The Celator.  The steady growth of the paper has made it more and more difficult to meet the many demands of production. Steve, with an excellent computer background. will be a great help in maintaining the continued quality of our publication as we serve a growing number of advertisers and collectors. Steve did, in fact, do the lion's share of typesetting and layout this issue. If he picks up the phone when you call don't forget to welcome him aboard.

We managed to slip in a couple days at the Long Beach show and then spent a very relaxing and enjoyable day at Crestline, California attending George Kolbe's book auction. George is a terrific source for books on all phases of numismatics, especially ancients. and is a gracious host as well

Next on our travel schedule is the Classical Numismatics Bourse in Washington D.C., to be held at the Hyatt Regency, Capitol Hill on June 23 and 24. That date will have passed by the time some of you read this, but with a little luck and perhaps atypical performance from the postal service some will still have a shot at it.

Following the CNB we will be in Milwaukee for the Mid-America show (probably on Saturday) and of course will be at Pittsburgh for the AN A convention in August

It is always a pleasure to meet and talk with readers at these events, and we do indeed meet a number of the clan when on the road. We generally drift from table to table so just ask any dealer if we've been around.

Thanks to all of our loyal supporters for the continuous flow of kind words and encouragements that brighten each morning when we open the mail. It sure beats opening a stack of bills (of course we get our share of those too)! Enjoy the vacation season, tell us about your pilgrimages to those exotic sites, and by all means continue to share with us your point of view.


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