About This File
We have repeatedly stressed the importance of reader response as a pre-requisite to the success of any periodical. It seems our message has been well received since our mail bag was overflowing with letters this month. Of course, the controversial nature of last month's editorial comments and the debate over rights of the press versus rights of the individual brought about a brisk exchange of views. As might be expected, opinions were mixed. What strikes us as unusual is that there is, for the first time in our memory, an actual dialogue developing between collectors, dealers and students of coins and artifacts from antiquity. We are, as a very succinct group of numismatists and antiquarians, developing our own sense of group awareness.
Following the release of our second issue. in April of 1987, we received an insightful letter from David R. Sear in which he said, "I should like to offer you my congratulations on your interesting new publication 'The Celator.' I really hope it flourishes and helps ancient coin collectors in this country to find a true identity. Surrounded by a vast ocean of modem US collectors, the ancient numismatist here really suffers from the 'Robinson Crusoe' syndrome and must often wonder whether he is completely alone in the world. "
While the syndrome is still very much with us, the growing wave of fraternalism and willingness to communicate reflected by our letters the editor show real promise. It is almost certain that a stand on any issue will bring some reaction, but that reaction is a good and necessary element in our overall growth as a fraternity. We welcome and encourage your opinions.
Changing the subject, the first edition of The Celator Annual is scheduled for release on December 1. The annual will be produced in a magazine style format, 64 pages, printed on 50# offset paper with a rich textured cover. Photos will be screened at 100 lines per inch (as opposed to 85 lines in our regular· publication). We plan to produce a similar edition each year to appear on December 1, in time for holiday gift givers. This year's edition will present a selection of what we feel are some of the best articles and features to appear in The Celator during the first 17 issues. Subsequent annuals will present articles from the previous year. At an appropriate point, an index of articles will be included.
To answer an almost certain question in advance, we are not including the outstanding series of articles by Stephen Album. This series about Islamic coinage will; upon conclusion, be presented in its entirety as an independent survey or off-print.
The annual is offered at $5.95 postpaid via first-class to the U.S. and Canada and will be mailed in a plain white envelope. Overseas orders will be accepted at $9.95 postpaid via air printed matter. Since the supply is becoming critical for certain back issues of TM Celator, the annual will be the only source for many of these fine articles in the future. We very highly recommend it
It was a pleasure meeting many of our readers at the Long Beach show and at Coinex in London this month. As we go to press, we are packing for the Classical Numismatic Bourse in Dallas and will also be attending the CNB in San Francisco on November 18-19. We will, of course, be at the NY International show in December as well. We can usually be found on the bourse floor on Friday afternoons and all-day Saturdays. If the photo above doesn't help, ask any dealer in ancients - they'll point a finger in the right direction. Please do say hello! Until then, enjoy your hobby - share that enjoyment with a friend - and let us hear your point of view.